Page SSTV Amateur Radio DE 14FRS1525/14GEF1664 Jean Claude DEP 88

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Site SSTV de 14ODR054 Fabrice France
Site SSTV de 14HP56 Patrice France
Site SSTV de 14FRS2295 Nicolas France
Site SSTV de 14GEF001 Alain France
Page SSTV de F4JXV Alain
Page SSTV de F4DYK Regis
Site A.R SSTV de 14FRS1525/14GEF1664 Jean Claude Vosges
Site R.A SSTV de 14FRS1525/14GEF1664 Jean Claude Vosges
Page SSTV de 14ZK392 Eric Vosges
Site SSTV de 14PF070 Florian Dep 70

SSTV Disclaimer: If a OM's decides to send a photo with nudity, I may not be able to stop the image from being posted. Hopefully this won't happen very often at all. The responsibility rests entirely at the station which transmits such pictures.
Page design by Jean-Claude 14FRS1525